Crispin Hayes of Crispin Hayes’ Associates and Orchard Revival will be among the guest speakers at Scotland’s Garden & Landscape Heritage event , “Pomology Study Day: Scotland’s Orchards Past and Present “, on Saturday 26 October 2024 at Megginch Castle, Errol, Perth PH2 7SW, between 9.30am and 3.30pm.
Crispin will be giving a talk about the National Orchard Inventory for Scotland.
Other speakers include:
David Atkinson, Falkland Estate
Roger Humphry, Carse of Gowrie Group
Andrew Lear, Appletreeman
Colin Wren, National Trust for Scotland
The day includes talks, a light lunch, and guided walks of the orchard at Megginch, which comprise over 1,400 trees in the two National Collections housed in the Orchard, led by owner Catherine Drummond-Herdman.
COST: £30.00 – SGLH Members / £40.00 – Non-members.
BOOKING: The study day poster (below) includes payment details. The deadline for booking is 11 October 2024.